
Add "versions": ["v2", "v1"] to your mint.json file where “v1” and “v2” are the names of your versions. You can put any number of versions in this array. The first version from the array serves as the default version.

The versions dropdown will show your versions in the order you include them in mint.json.

Versioning Options

You can add version values to anchors, groups, or individual pages.


You can hide an entire anchor based on a version. This is useful when you have dozens of pages you want to hide. For example, for an API reference section.

In mint.json, simply add version to your anchor. Anchors without a version value are shown in every version.

"anchors": [
        "name": "API Reference V1",
        "url": "v1/api-reference",
        "version": "v1"
        "name": "API Reference V2",
        "url": "v2/api-reference",
        "version": "v2"
        "name": "Anchor Without a Version",
        "url": "example-anchor"

You don’t need to add v1/ or v2/ to the start of your URLs, but some customers do it to keep their doc files organized.


Similarly, you can version with tabs. In the mint.json, add version to the tab. Tabs without a version value are shown in every version.

  "tabs": [
      "name": "API Reference V1",
      "url": "v1/api-reference",
      "version": "v1"
      "name": "API Reference V2",
      "url": "v2/api-reference",
      "version": "v2"
      "name": "Tabs Without a Version",
      "url": "example-tab"


You can version specific groups. This is useful when a few pages changed but everything else stayed the same.

Simply add version to your groups. Groups without a version value are shown in every version.

In the example below, pages in Nested Group V1 only show up when v1 docs are shown.

"navigation": [
        "group": "Group without a version",
        "pages": [
                "group": "Nested Group V1",
                "pages": ["page-with-version", "other-page-with-version"],
                "version": "v1"
                "group": "Nested Group Always Shows",
                "pages": ["nested-page", "other-nested-page"],


You can version a single page. Add version to the top of your page metadata like so:

title: 'My page title'
description: 'My page description'
version: 'v1'

Your navigation config in mint.json should include the page like normal, but the page will only show up when the correct version is selected.

Reusable Pages

Not all content has to be hidden though! Any content without a version value shows up in every version so you never duplicate content!


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