Default meta tags

You can set default meta tags by adding the metadata field to your docs.json.

"seo": {
    "metatags": {
        "og:image": "link to your default meta tag image"

Changing meta tags on one page

Add your meta tags to the page’s metadata like so:

title: 'Your Example Page Title'
'og:image': 'link to your meta tag image'

Meta tags with colons need to be typed with quotes around them when you put them in the page metadata.


Mintlify automatically generates a sitemap.xml file and a robots.txt file. Simply add /sitemap.xml to the end of your website URL to see your sitemap. We recommend submitting the sitemap to search engines for improved SEO.

Only pages included in your docs.json are included by default. To include hidden links, add seo.indexing to your docs.json:

"seo": {
    "indexing": all

Disabling indexing

If you want to stop a page from being indexed by search engines, you can include the following in the frontmatter of your page:

noindex: true

You can also specify noindex for all pages in your docs by setting the metadata.robots field to "noindex" in your docs.json:

"seo": {
    "metatags": {
      "robots": "noindex"