
The MCP Generator is a CLI tool that generates an MCP server based on your company’s documentation & OpenAPI specification if available. It takes in your documentation and a OpenAPI spec and outputs an MCP server that can be used with any MCP client. The MCP Generator is delivered via npm package and generates an MCP server that can be used with any MCP client.

Mintlify enables you to create an MCP server that allows AI tools to interact with your docs in these key scenarios:

  1. Docs Q&A, similar to our AI Chat. This is automatically enabled for your docs, no setup required.
  2. Real-time API querying, if you have an OpenAPI spec, head to the Mintlify Dashboard > Products > MCP Server and hit the toggle to enable your OpenAPI spec.

    By enabling the OpenAPI toggle, you are allowing the MCP server to access all endpoints in your OpenAPI spec.

Install the MCP server

This page is dedicated to the Mintlify MCP Server. If you are looking for information on generating your MCP, please refer to the MCP Generator page.

Example installation with the Mintlify MCP server

To use the Mintlify MCP server you will need an API key from your Mintlify account. If you don’t have one, navigate to Settings > API Keys > Chat API Key and create a new key.

Start the MCP server locally


Install the server through the CLI

Run the following command to install the server:

npx mcp add mintlify

Add the authentication token

The following response will be given after running the previous command:

> What is the Authorization (basic token)?

Using your API chat key, copy the authentication token and paste it into the CLI.


Start your MCP server

You can now run:

npm --prefix ~/.mcp/mintlify start

Use your server with Claude

Download the Claude Desktop App

Once you have the Claude Desktop App installed, follow these steps:


Navigate to the Settings > Developer


Click on Edit Config

Add the following to the claude_desktop_config.json:

 "mcpServers": {
     "mintlify": {
         "command": "npm",
         "args": [

If you see the hammer icon, you're all set!

If you click on it, you should see the available MCP Tools in your server.