The Mintlify MDX VSCode Extension

Hahnbee Lee

Hahnbee Lee


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Today, we're thrilled to introduce the Mintlify MDX VSCode extension.

At Mintlify, we maintain a components library designed to make your documentation beautiful out-of-the-box.

Now, you can supercharge editing and maintaining your Mintlify docs by easily invoking these components within VSCode.

How to use Mintlify MDX

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To add components, simply type < followed by a few characters for the intended component. Intellisense will appear to guide you to the full component name.

Currently, we support:

  • Components: Card, Steps, Tabs, ParamField, ResponseField
  • Callouts: Note, Warning, Info, Tip, Check

For components that need to encapsulate content (e.g., CardGroup, CodeGroup), you can activate these "Surround" snippets as follows:

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To quickly trigger the extension modal, you can set a keyboard shortcut for "Snippets: Surround with Snippet.

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Why it matters

Component discovery often requires extensive review of documentation.

Now, with the Mintlify MDX VSCode extension at your fingertips, you can easily incorporate components as you are writing your documentation.

Forgot how to add the Steps component to your docs? No worries— you can now easily add the associated snippet without needing to remember the syntax.

You can expect more upgrades to the extension in the upcoming weeks!

What's next

The VSCode extension is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace for all of our users.

To stay tuned with future updates, follow our Twitter. Join the community to request features and show us some love!