June 25, 2024
min read

Launch Week III Day 3: Web Editor Branching

Hahnbee Lee

Ever since we launched our web editor last year, we’ve been amazed at how it has non-technical users to leverage Mintlify across all functions including marketing, operations, and customer success.

After hearing your feedback on the importance of being able to draft changes and work collaboratively with developers, we're excited to bring you branch and PR functionality to our web editor.

Why it matters

Our web editor allows users to alter your docs content right on the web without an IDE.

Branches allows you to create separate versions of your documentation without affecting the main project — they're like parallel universes for code.

At some point, you may want to take a break from editing your docs. You can simply click on `Save Changes` to make sure the edits you made so far stay on your branch.

Once you're happy with the your changes on your branch, you can create a pull request (PR) which allows you to propose changes to the main project for review from your team.

All you need to do is add a PR title and description to give your team a summary of the edits you have made.

Once a member from your team has approved your changes, you can merge your PR to publish the new version of your documentation.

And that's it! Your edits are live 🎉.

By bringing GitHub workflows into our dashboard, non-technical team members can now work alongside developers.

Getting started

Web editor branching and PR functionality is now available for all users today!

Head over to our dashboard to try it out.

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